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Sharon Daltrey

Timelessness and dementia

I recently came across this beautiful quote from The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran:

‘The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness. And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.’

Given that the name of our late stage dementia activity social enterprise is Timeless Presents, and that we thought long and hard about our choice, it very much caught my eye. On a whim I wondered what AI had to say about the beautiful quote, what it ‘thought’ about the expression of existing and participating in the moment, a concept that we very much agree with, this is ChatGPT’s reply:

ChatGPT said:

This passage, likely inspired by spiritual or philosophical thinking, invites reflection on the nature of time and human consciousness. Here’s an analysis of its core components:

1. Theme of Timelessness:

The phrase "The timeless in you" refers to an aspect of the self that transcends the passage of time—perhaps the soul, consciousness, or a deeper awareness. This part of us is eternal and not bound by linear time, suggesting a spiritual or eternal essence within every person.

"Life's timelessness" implies that life itself, at a fundamental level, is beyond the constraints of time, alluding to the idea that time is a human construct, while the essence of life or existence is eternal.

2. Awareness and Perception:

The statement suggests that the "timeless" part of oneself has an awareness of this deeper truth about time and life, something that is often overlooked in daily existence. This timeless self perceives life in a more holistic and interconnected way.

It hints at a shift in perception, encouraging one to see time as less rigid and more fluid, as past, present, and future are interconnected rather than separate.

3. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow:

"Yesterday is but today's memory" speaks to the idea that the past only exists in the present as a memory, emphasizing the ephemeral nature of the past. What we call "yesterday" is already gone, and all that remains is our recollection of it.

"Tomorrow is today's dream" suggests that the future is an imaginary projection—something we envision or plan for, but it too is insubstantial until it arrives. This reflects the transient and speculative nature of what is yet to come.

Together, these lines highlight how time is a fluid concept, with the past existing in memories and the future as an idea, implying that only the present moment is truly real.

4. Philosophical and Spiritual Undertones:

The message echoes philosophical and spiritual traditions, especially those influenced by Eastern thought, such as mindfulness or present-moment awareness. It reflects the notion that time is not absolute but rather subjective, depending on one's perception.

By acknowledging the timeless part of oneself, the passage encourages the reader to connect with a deeper sense of being, transcending the anxieties or distractions that come from focusing too much on the past or future.


This passage poetically reflects on the nature of time, urging the reader to connect with their "timeless" self—a part of them that sees beyond the constraints of time. It promotes a more present-focused awareness, reminding us that the past is only a memory and the future a dream, while the present moment holds the essence of life.

I’m deeply moved by the conclusions ChatGPT came to and just felt that I had to share it. The original quote, and the analysis, expose a deeper thought, a belief that we have uncovered; that the moment, this moment, is everything. Everything else is ephemeral. Despite our tendency to think of memory as an unchanging and fixed thing of importance, it is only our insistence that makes it so. Dementia teaches us that we can still exist in the moment, and if you choose to join those who have dementia in that moment, and experience joy and connection in that moment then, despite their absent memories and lack of future dreams you are in fact with them in the only place we ever truly exist.

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