At this time of year our thoughts turn to giving. Giving presents to our loved ones, spending time with them, making sure our homes are well stocked to greet welcome visitors. It's also this time of year that many people decide to support various charities, by buying charity Christmas cards or simply donating.
We are a Social Enterprise and one of our key goals is, not only to work for those currently in the later stages of dementia, but to actively support research into dementia. 10% of our profits from each sale is dontated to various research charities that are looking for preventions and cures for this pervasive condition that will affect 1 in 2 of us during our lifetime. Whether that be our own diagnosis, of that of a loved one, the impact is profound, we have lived it ourselves and helping others in the same situation, in any way we can, is our main goal.
It's been tough to get ourselves this far, but each time we were knocked back it was the thought of all those people currently living with dementia that drove us on. We are determined to make a difference, now and in the future, so buying a Timeless Present will always be supporting the dementia community, one way or another.

We are also proud to be working with The Brain Charity, an excellent and well thought of charity in Liverpool that supports people with any neurological condition including dementia. They are selling our Sentimental Seaside Puzzle in their online shop with a large percentage of the sale price being donated directly to them, so a purchase from them is doubly beneficial to our wider community. Click on the logo to visit their shop.